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Saved by Hassan Wilson
on February 19, 2009 at 8:48:01 pm


Mr. Wilson's AWESOME Sixth Grade Science Fair Experiments!!!!

These are our Science Fair Projects. Check Them Out!!!!

We attend Friends Seminary NYC






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How can we ensure maximum plant growth while minimizing environmental impacts?

Contents: Click on the title to view the details of each experiment.



 The Effect of Diffferent Liquids on the Growth of a Plant - Frere-Holmes, Gueye, Standen '08-'09



The type of liquid affects the growth of lima beans-Kuslansky, Benfrote, Jackson


The Liquid a Raphanus Sativus Seed is Given Affects its Height After Four Weeks-Frere-Holmes, Gueye, Standen '08-'09


The different types of vitamins affects the growth of the kidney beans-Benforte, Jackson:),Kuslansky


The Type of Liquid Affects the Height of a Lima Bean Plant - Huang, Pryor, Stern '08-'09


The Liquid a Raphanus Sativus Seed is Given Affects its Height After Four Weeks-Frere-Holmes, Gueye, Standen '08-'09


Different Liquids Affect the Growth of a Baby Lima Bean - Gwirceman, Larkin, Noisy '08-'0


Fruit Juice Affects the Height of Lentil Plants-Fazli,Gifford,Osse '08-'09


The type of water affects the height of the sweet pea plant- Eisenberg, Lucey, Mills '08-'09  


Type of Water Affects Height of Sunflower-Mitchell, Moody, Sadoff 


Type of Liqued Effects the Heigth of Chamomile Plants - Abeyta, Barkan, and Knox


Different Liquids Affect the Amount of Plant Growth Produced by the Lima Bean Plant- Barreto, Bayle-Spence 2008, 2009


The Type of Liquid affects the Height Growth of a Raphanus Sativus seed


Testing the Effect of Different Liquids on the Growth of a Plant - Frere Holmes, Gueye, Standen


Amount of Water Affects Growth of Dandelion and Raphanus Sativus Seeds-Morse, Rather, Tuggle 08'-09'


Type of Liquid Affects the Height of the Sunflower Plant Using Red Bull, Coffee, Water, and Coke by Sam Harris, and Sofe Hysen 08-09

Type of Medium Affects the Height of the Sunflower Plant by Sam Harris and Sofe Hayssen 08-09 


Type of medium affects the life span of earth worms By Sam Harris and Sofe Hayssen 08-09


Type of liquid Affects The Life Span of Earth Worms by Sam Harris and Sofe Hayssen


The type of liquid affects the growth of lima beans-Kuslansky, Benfrote, Jackson


The Type of Liquid Used to Water Basil Plants Affects Their Height-Fleischman, Lowenherz, Oreskes'08-'09


Amount of Vitamin D affects the height of Raphanus Sativus plants - Bajno, Blum, Porsella


The Affect of Different Temeratures of Water on Radish Plants- Balken, Margules, Rodriguez '08-'09


Different Amounts of Water Affect the Growth of Dandelion Seeds- Morse, Rather, and Tuggle '08-09'


Height of a Lima Bean Plant Based on Amount of Water - Balken, Margules, and Rodriguez '08-'09


Type of Liquid Affects Height of Limabean- Katz, Sikowitz, Zuckerberg 08-09


pH in Liquids Affects Height of Limabean-Katz, Skowitz, Zuckerberg '08-'09

The Type of Liquid affects the Height Growth of a Raphanus Sativus seed

Amounts of acid affect the height of Raphinus Sativs seeds-Katz, Sikowitz, Zuckerberg '08-'09


Different Liquids Affect The Growth Of Raphanus Sativus- Cooper, Weissberg, Prater



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